Budget Policy

What is the Budget?

The budget is an essential tool for controlling the Council’s finances. The budget provides us with the confidence to ensure sufficient income is available throughout the year to pay for any services and expenditure for any planned projects.

By checking our spending against the budget plan, the council controls its finances during the course of the financial year and makes progress towards what we wish to achieve.

What is the precept?

The Parish Council has to apply to South Kesteven District Council each year for its Precept.

The Precept is the money which is given to the Parish Council to run all Council business. A percentage of the council tax which is paid by residents is based upon the amount of Precept

requested by the Parish Council.

What other income is received?

The other income received by the Parish Council is from any donations or grants received for specific projects.

What does the Council spend its money on?

From all income received, the Parish Council then has to pay for things like Audit fees, Village Maintenance of the Bus Shelter and Telephone Kiosk, Hire of the Village Hall, Insurance, Parish Council Election Fees, Annual subscription to associations, Parish Councillors Training, Parish Council Information Technology Hardware/Software, Parish Clerk’s salary and expenses.