No Cold Calling Zone

Our village was the first to adopt a total No Cold Calling Zone in the County. Over 400 no-cold calling zones have been setup in Lincolnshire helping more residents than ever to feel safe and confident in their own homes.

The initiative is run by Lincolnshire Trading Standards and Lincolnshire Police to help discourage rogue traders from targeting vulnerable and elderly residents.

The zones are setup by the authorities who install street-signs informing people that residents don’t want to be disturbed by uninvited visitors. Just in case doorstep sellers don’t see the signs, residents also have a sticker on their front door or window.

Although it isn’t illegal for traders to cold-call within the zone, residents are encouraged to ask a sales person to leave if they are not interested. Failing to then do so could be committing an offence.

A ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ is a collection of houses where the residents have agreed that they do not want people knocking on their door without a prior appointment.

This includes both people selling things at the doorstep and those who state they are from the Water, Gas or Electricity board, who do not have the identification to prove this.

This aims to avoid residents within the zone from becoming victims of doorstep crime, whereby criminals gain entry to the property. Also it assists in deterring rogue traders from targeting yourselves and charging high prices for services or work not completed to the required standard.

The zone is identified by a sign’s on all entry roads to Kirkby Underwood