January Minutes 2023

Unapproved Draft minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 16th January 2023.

Present:Cllr Ashwood, Cllr L Green, Cllr M Walker, Cllr D Dodds, Cllr N Robin (was called out on Fire response)  and Parish Clerk L Davies. Members of the public; G Reynolds

Public Forum
Chairman’s opening remarks.
94. Welcome to the first meeting of 2023 of the Kirkby Underwood Parish. 
Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.
95.  Email from J Kenwood was received and read as there were points raised from the community. 

It is with regret that I cannot attend tonight’s meeting as there are some important items on the agenda, none other than the setting of the precept.
I am aware that Malcom forwarded an earlier email hi lighting the importance of correctly calculating the precept. As the council have not costed or budgeted for anything in the next financial year and the excess in the precept account is due to savings on defibrillator costs that the public budgeted for last year it is only right that the precept is adjusted to account for this.
An 11% increase last year was applied to KU portion of the local council tax which made payments of £420 per year on a Band E property.

The LCC council tax is going up by 5% again this year. 
In this financial climate I believe it is only prudent to help the community in any way possible.Excess money is better off in the community pocket than sitting un budgeted in the council account.

In relation to community liaison of KUPC with the public it again has been non existent.
It was minuted last meeting that the Monitor Mag would be circulated to ALL households. This was done and yet again not a thing concerning dates of meetings,agendas or draft minutes were mentioned in it. The newly formed Village Voice Magazine may be a good way of ensuring some of the community are informed.

I mentioned at the last meeting the grant that was available from SKDC. 
There is also a smaller grant available from LCC which is A Community Wildlife Grant that has some elements that would really benefit our community, and elements that were high lighted in the last parish questionnaire by the community.

Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press &Public welcome to observe. 
1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. 
96. Apologies received from Cllr A Reeves, who is away on personal business.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests.
97.  None received 
3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (14th November 2022) (All)
98. Previously circulated minutes were unanimously approved. 
4. Receive External Group updates 
    4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available
99. Cllr N Robin, was unfortunately called away on a fire call out, so was unable to update on the district. 
100. Police update, Think Widen to prevent burglary, nearly two-thirds (65%) of the community are broken into, yet there are simple, proven measures we can all take to halve our chances of being burgled.
W - windows, keep locked
I - interior, put inside lights on a timer/smart bulb.
D - doors, double or deadlock your doors
E - exterior, put outside lights on a sensor
(N) - neighbours, keep an eye out of your neighbours

5.Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider the location of  Benches. One has been sited and the remain 2 are to be discussed
5.1.1 Update on Locations of Benches
101. One bench is in place at the church and being well used, requesting that a second is placed up by the church. The third bench is in the village hall. It was raised to approach the forestry Commission to place a bench at Pasture Wood, part of Callan's lane Forestry commission land. For people to sit, change boots etc. Cllr Ashwood to make contact with Forestry.
5.1.2 Update on Grant process
102. All relevant paperwork has now been completed, due to missing the deadline for completion, the remaining 25% of the grant will not be awarded. All the items needed to fix the benches have been purchased and H Collinge has offered his services to help with the installation of the benches once locations are approved. 
5.2  To consider meeting for 2023
103. It was confirmed that the meetings would return to 4 meetings a year for 2023. Dates agreed 13th March, 15th May, 10th July, 9th October and 8th January, at 7pm in the village hall. Clerk to publish on Website. Cllr Ashwood would contact the monitor, also to be placed on the inside notice board of the village hall.
5.3. To consider maintenance of footpath KkUn/4/1
104. Clerk confirmed that the footpath maintenance is LCC responsibility, the footpath is on the map, but due to it being a dead end, it is a low priority for LCC. The parish may put in a request for repair, the Clerk will do this and report back.
5.5  To consider and review Merrison fund
105. There have been enquiries to access the fund, the Clerk is ensuring that how it works and updating forms with correct information. As per previous meeting it was raised that it would be possible to create a voluntary car scheme, as a small community may not be possible, but Rippingale has a voluntary scheme, in which KU residents are drivers. Coordinator of the Rippingale scheme would be happy to coordinate KU “piggy backing” the scheme. So the KU residents would be paid via the Merrison fund and Rippingale via the set up scheme. Clerk to approach Rippingale to see if this would be possible. 
5.6  To consider and review the Community Newsletter. 
106. The monitor is now delivered to every door, but there seems to be a communication issue between the editor and council. Cllr Ashwood to approach and ensure information is communicated. Clerk raised that using the newly formed Village Voice may be an option, yes it is a paid service, but no harm in placing information. Clerk will ensure that the website is updated accordingly. 
5.7 To consider and review damaged Ash tree on right of way from Stainsfield Road to Church Lane
107. The land owner is still unknown, the tree is still bending, at this point there is no further action to be taken. Resolved.
5.8 To consider social media for Parish Council
108. At this time it was felt that getting the correct forms of communication right were more important than creating a new social media platform at this point. It was agreed that placing the agenda on the KU community Facebook page was a positive step forward. Clerk to action
6. Financial Matters: 
6.1. To review internal audit 2021/2022.
109. Internal auditor looking at 2021/2022 information and will be happy to audit 2022/20223.
6.2. To review AGAR 2021/2022.
110. Published and placed on notice board. 
6.3 To consider and discuss accounting software for the Parish.
111. This would be a time saving for the Clerk, as the accounts are all in 1 place, not multiple spreadsheets. Reports are created at  a touch of a button. Agreed to move forward with the setup. The clerk has negotiated a reduction in setup fee and only 2 months subscription. Clerk to action and setup. 
6.4 To discuss and approve Precept and Budget for 2023/2024.
112. Points raised from M Kenwood, regarding the defibrillator not having to be replaced, the Council are holding funds for and with the current financial climate, the council need to be mindful in the precept. It was agreed that there is a healthy bank balance, and the surplus from not purchasing the defibrillator, to reduce the request from the £3100 to £2100 for this years precept. 

7. Financial Reports:
7.1 To review and approve payments 
113. Payments approved for payments. Bank statements circulated, compensation issued from Natwest for the issues encountered on the bank update for the Clerk, £200 has been credited to the Parish account. 

Salary to Parish Clerk (January- February)
Clerks Expense Mileage only (January)
Gmail Admin (December- February)
ICO Commission (Direct Debit) 
Christmas Tree 
Scribe Administration

9. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
114. Cllr Dodds, raised that when the Big Clean attended the village, it did a good job, hedge at the village hall trimmed back and the mud on the paths tidied. It was nice to see that the village was cleaned. Thank you SKDC

SKDC community grants, looking at the grants available, the most favourable for the village would be the wildlife grant, to create a notice board of information of the local wildlife and place it in the bus shelter? Grant has to be completed by the 1st April or the 1st September, so council would have to take action quickly if to proceed for the 1st April 2023.

Next meeting: General meeting 13th March, 7pm in the Village Hall.

Laura Davies 
Clerk to Kirkby Underwood Parish Council