Minutes July 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 10th July 2023.

Present:Cllr Ashwood, Cllr L Green, Cllr D Dodds and Parish Clerk L Davies.   Member of the community Mick.      

16th July 2023

Public Forum
1. Chairman’s opening remarks
128. Warm welcome from the chair. 
2. Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.
129. Mick has seen on social media regarding the full fiber, there are people within the community who have no idea what they are pledging towards. Seems unclear what is being offered and not necessarily that as an individual will get the money as it seems. Cllr Ashwood will approach Tony Walsh, who is the project manager. But it is down to the individual to look at the information. He left at 19.15

Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press &Public welcome to observe. 
1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. 
130. Apologies due to personal reasons received from Cllr Robins and Cllr Reeves.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests.
131. None     
3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (15th May 2023) (All)
132. Minutes of previous meeting have been previously circulated where kindly actioned by Cllr Walker were approved. 
4. Receive External Group updates 
    4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available
    133. None recieved

5.Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider the location of  Benches. One has been sited and the remain 2 are to be discussed
    5.1.1 Update on Locations of Benches
134. The remaining bench has been placed in the village hall, which gets a nice amount of shade and sun. All that remains is the plagues, wording to remain simple. 
5.2 . To consider maintenance of footpath KkUn/4/1
135. After the latest email from A Savage, footpath officer, the footpath is noted as needing repair, but at present no further action will be taken. No further action can be taken by the parish council at this time. Resolved.
5.3  To consider and review Merrison fund
136. It was discussed that listing costs to each hospital may encourage people to apply. Need to ensure simple to use, the mileage is at 0.65 per mile. They must be a resident  in the village and have a letter from the hospital with the Kirkby Underwood address. Have paid for the first application, on a round trip. Second application, unfortunately the address is not that of Kirkby Underwood, so declined this application, but must stress if they are now a resident, they would be able to apply for future trips to the fund. Cllr Green to place information into the Monitor. 
5.4 To discuss and consider Community Project 
137. After the open morning there was little uptake from the village, there is an option to refurbish the phone box, one quote has been received, but ideally need 3 to ensure best price is received. Cllr Ashwood to action. The other action is to consider cleaning of the bus stop. The council have been approached about the possibility of the council supporting a Forest School. This would be more of a community group, the parish would be happy to support, but not necessarily coordinate. If they are looking to work from the village hall, they would need to speak with the Village hall.
5.5 To consider the meeting dates move to the 3rd Monday of the month.
138. Due to the clerk's diary the 3rd Monday of the month, there was no objections, the dates would be as follows 16th October 2023, 15th January 2024 (Budget), 15th April 2024 (AGAR) and 17th June 2024 (AGM & APM)
6. Financial Matters: 
6.1. To review internal audit 2021/2022.
139. Completed and submitted. Resolved

7. Financial Reports:
7.1 To review and approve payments 
140. Payments approved for payment

8. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
141. None

Next meeting: General meeting 16th October 2023 in the Village Hall.
Laura Davies 
Clerk to Kirkby Underwood Parish Council