Draft Minutes January 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 16th January 2024


Present: Chair Cllr J Ashwwod, Cllr L Green, Cllr D Dodds, Cllr M Walker, Cllr A Reeves and Parish Clerk L Davies.   No members of the public were present


Public Forum

  1. Chairman’s opening remarks

153. Good evening and welcome tothe council, its been a wet winter with the village not flooding as bad as other areas. The flooding has mainly been across the fields and on to the roads rather than peoples homes. 

  1. Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.

154. None



Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press &Public welcome to observe. 

1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. 

155. None recieved

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary 

interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests. 

156. None.

3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (10th July 2023) (All)

157. The council passed the minutes of the last meeting as a true reflection of the meeting. There were a few spelling errors, which have been corrected. 

4. Receive External Group updates 

    4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available

158. None have been received.


5.Parish Matters:

5.1 To consider application to Merrison fund. 

159. Applications have been steadily coming in via email, which are being approved and distributed to the various applications. The fund seems to be accessed more readily.

5.2 To discuss and consider refurbishing of the Phone Box

160. Pending action awaiting better weather, Clerk to monitor.


6. Financial Matters: 

6.1 To review and approve payments 

161. Payments such as the clerks salary, Christmas tree purchase and Merrison fund payments agreed to be paid.

6.2 To review and approve financial budget        2024/2025

162. Budget approved as there has been little spend over the last year and precept previously was larger amount. So the precept has been reduced to allow the held funds to be spent.

7. To Receive any Urgent Reports.

163. The Bede account, looking to arrange afternoon tea/lunch. After recent events is there any community first aid training? Cllr Reeves to move forward with a mention in the Monitor to see if there are any first raiders and are they happy to be listed? 

Cllr Green has been storing gravel, cement and salt in a tonne bag. It was agreed that the gravel and cement be written off (for the benches, which are left uncemented for mowing). Resolved. The salt, cllrs would check the various grit bins and fill as required. Cllr Ashwood and Cllr Green to coordinate.

Thank you to Cllr Dodds for emptying the dog bins on a regular basis. 

Lamp post number 4 is not working and Cllr Green has reported and will continue to chase, Cllr Reeves raised the lack of light at the bottom of Callans Lane. Cllr Walker thinks there is a light out, and will check the lamp post number and report to LCC, via fix my street.

Sheep worrying, and it was seen a dog loose in with sheep down Stainsfield road. Cllr Walker to place a piece in the monitor.



Laura Davies 

Clerk to Kirkby Underwood Parish Council