Draft November 2024 Mintues
Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 18th November 2024.
Present:Chair J Ashwood, Cllr L Green, Cllr D Dodds, Cllr M Walker,Clerk L Davies, R Birdstall and L Green .
Public Forum
Chairman’s opening remarks
200. Good evening on this damp evening that is turning wintry.
Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.
201. None
Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press &Public welcome to observe.
1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting
202. None received, Clerk to email Cllr Robins and Cllr M Hill with the next ears meetings, as would be nice to have a present.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests
203. None.
3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (16th September 2024) (All)
204. The previously circulated minutes were found to be a true reflection of the meeting hed on the 16th September.
4. Receive External Group updates
4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available
205. None.
5.Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider the co option of R Birdsall as a councillor.
206. R Birdsall, was copted to become a member of the Kirkby Underwood Parish Council. Action Clerk to update websites and inform SKDC.
5.2 To consider application to the Merrison fund.
207. No requests received this period.
5.3 To discuss and consider reconditioning the notice board.
208. Cllr Green has arranged 2 quotes to recondition the notice board. One to action the work in situ at a cost of £250 and another to remove at a cost of £260. As there is very little difference in cost. It was agreed that the removal of the notice board would be the best course of action. It was raised that the official parish documents still need to be accessible to the public. It was discussed that the village hall door could have the documents. Action Cllr Green to liaise and organise.
5.4 To Discuss and consider maintenance of the pump.
209. Cllr Dodds & Cllr Walker met at the pump with Mrs Kenwood, who kindly sweeps and ensures that the pump area is clean and presentable. This is greatly appreciated. It was found that the pump is in a good state of repair and mainly needs a “good lick of paint”, as the weather is against working outside it was agreed that this could not commence until March as the weather improves. It was discussed that it is the history of the pump which needs to be remembered, so Cllr Walker is going to meet with various residents to discuss the provenance of the pump and look at a plaque. Action carry forward.
5.5 To consider a remembrance project for the village for 2025
210. A member of the community has approached the council to ask why there was no remembrance within the community. As this has always been a church organised event, there has been no requirement from the PC to action. It was agreed that what other villages have been doing to remember, with large poppies, Tommy's figures. It was agreed that it is a project that could move forward. Whether this is poppies over the phone box, poppies on the village hall fence or using the green to have a “Tommy” or an Airman. Action. Cllrs to look at costs for large poppies/silhouettes and discuss further.
6. Financial Reports:
6.1. FY 2024/25 Accounts to date; Approval of expenditure (All)
211. The following payments were passed for payment, Clerks salary and Parish Council contribution to the Monitor of £16.60. Bank reconciliation was signed at the meeting. Cllr Dodds raised the Bede Fund and how does this benefit the community. Action Clerk to look at the Bede fund and how it operates.
6.2 To approve 2025/2026 Budget previously circulated
212. The Budget was agreed but due to the new proposed projects, the clerk would need to review the budget to ensure that the funds were available. But as previous years spent have been low, need to ensure that this is correct. SKDC has not yet sent a closing date for the precept request, this is usually the end of January. .
7. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
213. It was raised that the new village lighting was ambient but not practical in some areas of the village it is quite dark. Not sure that there is much that can be actioned as it energying saving and for some residents it is an improvement on lighting into their houses. NFA. There seems to be a lot of leaves, LCC are due to sweep the village. Clerk to email highways for an update. For the agenda in January, PC litter pick, consider an open house inviting Ward, District cllrs and raised about a village wide questionnaire, as the last one was a few years ago.
8. Public Forum.
214. None.
Next meeting: General meeting 20th January 2025 in the Village Hall.