DRAFT minutes of the Annual & Parish Meeting 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 20th May 2024.

Present:Chair J Ashwood Cllr D Dodds, Cllr M Walker, Cllr A Reeves, Cllr D Hill, J Kenwood and L Green .

Annual Parish Meeting – Agenda
The Annual Parish Meeting will commence at 7.00pm as per the agenda below.
1. Welcome by the Chairman and  Annual Report.
164. Statement from the chair 20/05/2024
Good Evening and welcome.Thank you for coming out to show support.
I would specifically like to thank Martin Hill for his continued support, and Laura our
clerk, who cannot be with us: having broken her wrist, for helping us to get ourselves
sorted and back to 4 meetings a year.This past year has been one of consolidation, but we still have some issues to Resolve. A Parish Council, however small, has to adhere to all the same laws as a large city corporation. We need to improve our communication and ensure that everything is up to date and in the interest of transparency.We promise to try harder in the year to come. Most minor issues have been dealt with promptly, there has been a sharp increase in
demands on the Merrison money due to our aging community. The PC has contributed to an afternoon for Seniors and I hope we can agree to continue to support this event for 2024. The PC provided a Christmas tree for the village to help brighten the winter gloom, Carols around the tree is now a KU tradition. Parish councilors are all volunteers and are here to support the community.If there is anyone here who is considering becoming a councilor then please feel
free to talk with us, training will be provided.
2. To approve Minutes of last Annual Parish Meeting
165. Minutes were approved as a true reflection of the meeting held on the 
3. Receive Reports from Police, County & District Councils
4. Questions & Proposals from the Public
167. A Resident raised concerns that the minutes and agendas are not accessible on the website. They felt that the parish are not keeping the community informed. Also would like to know what the Parishes plan for the future.
Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council – Agenda
The Annual General Meeting will commence at 8.00pm or immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting.

The public are welcome to observe the meeting but are not permitted to speak unless invited by the Chairman; a 5-minute Post Meeting Public Forum will be held to enable the public to comment on the AGM.
1. Apologies for absence.
168. Apologies for absence from the meeting from Cllr L Green due to personal reasons and the Clerk has sent her apologies due to breaking her wrist. 
2. Councilor Acceptance of Office.
169. Cllr A Reeves resigned due to her developing work commitments, we wish her all the best for the future and thank her for her time with the council. The remaining Cllr accepted office.
3. Councilor Declarations of Interest.
170. No new declarations of interest.
4. Election of Chairman.
171. Chair was voted to remain Cllr Ashwood.
5. Election of Vice chairman.
172. Vice Chair was voted and accepted a Cllr L Green
6. Approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (15th May 2023) (All)
173. Covered in 165. Approved
7. Parish Matters:
7.1 To consider application to the Merrison fund. 
173. Applications to the Merrison Fund coming in steadily and which is good to see the community accessing the fund. Action: Clerk to keep processing applications 
7.2 To discuss and consider refurbishing of the Phone Box
174. Estimate accepted and awaiting the weather for the contractor to chase. Action: Clerk to chase contractor for update. 
7.3. To discuss and consider Gov email. 
175. Due to the clerk's absence this is unable to be discussed fully. Cllr Walker to chase Clerk regarding emails. Action: Cllr Walker to discuss with the clerk what is going on regards to dedicated KUW emails.
8. Financial Matters:
a. To review internal audit 2023/2024.
176. Internal audit has been actioned on the financial and all in to be incorrect working order. The scribe system has all the accounts in one location. 
b. To consider and review  AGAR 2023/2024
178. AGAR was signed and will be returned to the Clerk for the internal audit to wet sign alongside the clerk. Action: Cllr Walker to deliver AGAR to the clerk and witness the signing. 

9. Financial Reports:
a. FY 2024/25 Accounts to date; Approval of expenditure (All)
179. Bank accounts and payments approved for payment. To include contribution to the Monitor and Clerks salary. 
10. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
11 Public Forum.
181. None
Next meeting: General meeting 12th May 2025 in the Village Hall.