Draft miuntes of 14th November 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 14th November 2022.

Present:Cllr Ashwood, Cllr L Green, Cllr M Walker, Cllr D Dodds and Parish Clerk L Davies. Members of the public; J Kenwood and G Reynolds

Public Forum
Chairman’s opening remarks
73. Welcome to the Kirkby Underwood Parish Meeting, the last of 2022. 
Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.
74. J. Kenwood raised the following concerns and wanted to ensure that these were minuted, Draft Minutes were not made available to the public. Not on the Website, Clerk advised that they are and will look into the reason that they are not public. There seems to be timing issues, which the Parish Council need to address. Look forward to the New Year and hopefully these shall be resolved. The Parish Newsletter, why was this discounted, as the Monitor is not distributed to all houses in the village and some were receiving this electronical .The Council was unaware that the was going on, Cllr Green will speak with the Monitor, as ensuring all in the community receive information. SKDC Community Grants, are the Council looking to the grants available? The Community Benches, are the council aware that the completion date was around the 15/18 October? Clerk was unaware that there was a completion date on the project, as the project is not completed, no action has been taken. Clerk will look into the details. As the Parish may have to pay back the grant. Also as the Council was not fully operational will there be a reduction in the following Precept? There are still running costs for the Parish and these need to be addressed. LCC/SKDC have been awarded £54k for business and local communities, have the Council considered and application? As no project for 2023 seems to have been addressed.

G. Reynolds raised concerns that the Council is not communicating with the community, could information be shared on the community FB page? Clerk is not on the FB page, as it will keep them aware of the village

Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press &Public welcome to observe. 
1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. 
75. Apologies received from Cllr Robins and Cllr Reeves, due to personal reasons are unable to attend.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary 
interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests. 
76. None 
3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (29th September 2022) (All)
77. Cllr Dodds raised the date issue, as the minutes have the 26th September can these be altered to reflect the correct date. Approved with date amendment. 
4. Receive External Group updates 
78. None
    4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available
    79. None received
5.Parish Matters:
5.1 To consider the location of  Benches. One has been sited and the remain 2 are to be discussed
80. The Locations of the benches are still undecided, Cllr Green to be revisited with M Green regarding location, as has raised new concerns with distance from the hedge. The one cited at the Church is well used and providing well used, could a bench be located on the outsides of the village, but this would be outside the Parish so would most likely not fit the terms of the Grant. Clerk will look at the terms and advise.  
5.2 To review and consider the Council Policies & Procedures (All)
81. The remaining policies & Procedures are up to date and meet requirements. All content to accept. Resolved
a.  Code of  conduct -Resolved
b.  Standing Orders
c. Financial Regulations
d.  FOI & Data Publication
e.  Communications
f.  Disciplinary & Grievance Resolved
g.  Equal Opportunities
h.  Health & Safety
i.  Emergency Plan
j.   Complaints
k.  Environmental
l.  Fly Posting
m. Staff Handbook Resolved
n.  Lone Worker Resovled 
o. Risk Management
p.  Grants
q. Safeguarding Resolved

5.3. To consider maintenance of footpath KkUn/4/1.
82. Cllr Green to abstain from this agenda item. Clerk has been in contact with LCC and is awaiting a phone call, scheduled for tomorrow (15th Nov) to discuss the footpath and how it can be made accessible, as there needs to be a foot bridge put in place. As the footpath is a dead end and if this can change at all. As it should be accessible for the public to walk. Also to confirm that the maintenance is LCC and not Parish Council. Cllr Walker raised concerns over the cost to put a bridge over the ditch/dyke, on limited resources for a footpath that is a dead end.
5.4. To consider defibrillator review required for 2023.
83. Clerk to purchase the child pads, monthly check will be done by the Clerk. Approved. Resolved
5.5  To consider and review Merrison fund
84. It must be noted that the original Will has to be honored and that the aim is to ensure that no one will ever struggle to attend medical appointments. Awareness is key, as many of the community use family members for these trips, and are unaware of the fund. Rippingale has a successful Voluntary Hospital Scheme, could  KU create something similar, but is there a requirement to create PC when existing schemes. Clerk to speak coordinator of the Rippingale scheme. As may be able to link/work with
5.6  To consider and review welcome pack
85. Cllr M Walker has reviewed the Welcome Pack, it has useful information, much of this is available online and so the hard copy is not required. Resolved
5.7 To consider and review damaged Ash tree on right of way from Stansfield Road to Church Lane
86. All concerned parties are taking Mr Savage's recommendations. As long as the tree is bending and not giving, there is nothing else that can be done. It may have to be revisited at a later date. Resolved.
6. Financial Matters: 
6.1. To review internal audit 2021/2022.
87. Clerk to approach new auditor D Weather to audit records for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023,as previous is unable to take action. 
6.2. To review AGAR 2021/2022.
88. Clerk updating records and publishing via website. 
6.3 To consider and discuss accounting software for the Parish.
89. Scribe is designed for Parishes, putting together all excel spreadsheets, records and bank accounts in one please. Electronic and good storage space. The Quote is for 12 months and the setup fee was £267, which is high. Clerk to look to reduce cost as this would save time and make future hand overs easier.
6.4 To discuss Precept and Budget for 2023/2024
90. Precept budget looking at remaining unchanged from the previous. Clerk getting bank account up to date. Completion date is the 20th January 2023

7. Financial Reports:
7.1 To receive update on bank accounts
91. Clerk has gained access to the bank accounts and is working way through to reconcile the banks.
7.2 To review and approve payments 
92. Payments approved for payment by council, these are covering costs since May 2023.

Salary to Parish Clerk (May - Dec)
Expense to Parish Clerk (mileage, home office, phone & Broadband)
Payroll Services
Insurance Premium
LALC Membership
LALC Training Scheme

9. To Receive any Urgent Reports.

93. Once LALC payment is made, look at new Councilor training. LALC offers day courses or you can complete an online course, in which you gain accreditation. Clerk to look at options. 

Bede  - would it be possible for participants to pay a one off fee. Clerk to look into

Next meeting: General meeting 16th January 2022 in the Village Hall.

Laura Davies 
Clerk to Kirkby Underwood Parish Council