Minutes Meeting September 2022
Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 29th September 2022.
Present:Cllr Ashwood, Cllr L Green, Cllr A Walker, Cllr D Dodds and Parish Clerk L Davies. Members of the public; J Kenwood and G Reynolds
Public Forum
Chairman’s opening remarks.
44. Good evening members of the public and the fellow councilors. The meeting has been delayed due to the passing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Even though formal mourning has passed it was agreed that a 1 minute silence as a mark of respect was marked on this historic moment in time. Was marked with God Save the King at the end.
Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.
45. J Kenwood would like to hear the meeting in full before making any comment. But has things to say.
Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press &Public welcome to observe.
1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
46. None received
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests.
47. None received
3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (27th June 2022 & 11th July 2022) (All)
48. This was missed from the agenda, but was raised as the minutes needed to be approved. Agreed and resolved.
4. Receive External Group updates
4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available
49. None have been provided
5. To consider confirmation of allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities – All:
50. This has been discussed, but confirmation that all would be happy in their roles to ensure smooth operation of the Parish.
a. Police Forum Representative
51. Cllr Walker, has a background working with the police and would be happy to work and liaise with the police as required. Resolved
b. Emergency Plan Representative
52. This was discussed as it has been found that when emergencies happen within the Parish, they are usually taken by the relevant authorities. Therefore no need to have a dedicated Cllr. It was raised that good neighbor ethos should be adopted. Resolved
c. Finance Supervisor
53. Cllr Ashwood would be the first point of contact, but all Cllrs have a responsibility to understand the finances of the Parish. Resolved
d. Kirkby Underwood d. Neighbourhood Plan Representatives
54. Discussions between Cllrs, as the Parish is only small with no amenities, this limits the amount of development within the village. The Neighbourhood plan would fall in line with SKDC local plan. No further action required. Resolved
e. Defibrillator Representatives
55. The defibrillator needs checking once a month to ensure that it is ready for use. It is to check battery life and AED packs are usable in case of emergency. Then logging on the circuit website. Cllr Green was happy to take over the role once the Clerk has finished the maintenance and update of pads as required. Resolved
f Village Maintenance Coordinator
56. Cllr Dodds agreed that he was happy to take on the role, as he has started to empty the dog bins on a regular basis. But if additional help was required all Cllrs to help where applicable. Resolved
g. Village Hall Management Committee Liaison
57. As both Cllr Green and Cllr Ashwood are on the VHMC and will liaise as necessary. Resolved
H. Accessibility and disablement assistance
58. No dedicated person was appointed as felt this is for everyone to support and action.
6. Parish Matters:
6.1 To consider the location of Benches. One has been sited and the remain 2 are to be discussed
59. The VHMC have agreed that the 2 remaining benches can be located at the rear of the Village Hall, as can be used at annual events and a place to sit in the evening sun. Mr Wright, has advised that one bench could still be located as previously discussed on the verge on Aslackby Road. As long as there is access for hedge and grass cutting. Cllr Green will liaise. 2 benches have approved locations (Up by the Church and rear of the Village Hall). 3 bench to be reviewed wether remains at rear of village hall or moved up to Aslackby Road.
6.2 To review and consider the Council Policies & Procedures (All)
60. The clerk has revised the following policies and procedures, which have been circulated prior to the meeting. Disciplinary & Grievance, this agreed and approved. These shall be published and reviewed on an annual basis going forward.
a. Code of conduct |
b. Standing Orders |
c. Financial Regulations |
d. FOI & Data Publication |
e. Communications |
f. Disciplinary & Grievance |
g. Equal Opportunities |
h. Health & Safety |
i. Emergency Plan |
j. Complaints |
k. Environmental |
l. Fly Posting |
m. Staff Handbook |
n. Lone Worker |
o. Risk Management |
p. Grants |
q. Safeguarding |
6.3. To consider maintenance of footpath KkUn/4/1.
61.This has been forwarded to Cllr Hill, as the Parish has previously not been able to resolve responsibility for the maintenance. Awaiting Response, Clerk to chase.
6.4. To consider defibrillator review required for 2023.
62. Clerk has been liaising with East Midlands Safety Company. The life of the machine is determined by the battery and the pads, which need to be replaced as required. Therefore the machine does not need to be replaced as a whole, but the battery and pads should be done as required. The Pediatric pads will need to be replaced by 31st Oct 2022. Though in an emergency situation, adult pads can be used on a child. Clerk to price and purchase as necessary.
6.5. To consider and review Parish Council Asset management
63. Clerk has looked and found that the Parish Council Asset Management is up to date and no further action is required. Resolved.
6.6 To review management of dog waste bins
64. Cllr Dodds has been regularly emptying the dogg waste bins and is happy to continue to do so. Resolved.
6.7 To consider and review Merrison fund
65. Discussions are ongoing to see if the Merrison fund could be made more accessible by changing the way that the costs are distributed. Making it more accessible. Would it be able to set fees if you travel to Lincoln, Peterborough hospital. Also are people aware this is open to both NHS and Private treatment alongside dental work? Should a table of allowances be made? How about making a map of radial cost? Cost would have to be applied retrospectively. Ongoing
6.8 To consider and review welcome pack
66. Cllr Walker is undertaking the welcome pack, ideas currently underway, a few recipes, things in the local area, including supermarkets, shops to help new residents to the village. Ongoing.
6.9 To consider and review damaged Ash tree on right of way from Stainsfield Road to Church Lane
67. Cllr Walker met with Mr Savage from SKDC Senior Countryside Officer. Who deemed the tree to be safe and not a hazard. Mr Savage will ensure that the tree is checked yearly, but unless the tree is diseased or potential danger there is no further action. While Mr Savage points are valid residents are concerned that the tree is not maintained and if the Tree should fall, who would be responsible? The tree is part of a hedge line, which is being maintained, but whose hedge it is owned by seems to be under discussion. The Parish have a duty of care to the community. Clerk to look into land ownership.
7. Financial Matters:
7.1. To review internal audit 2021/2022.
68. Awaiting access to the bank accounts. Once gained will be able to forward to Diane Fairweather to audit.
7.2. To review AGAR 2021/2022.
69. Awaiting access to the bank accounts, but submission was completed on time, but not yet complete due to bank account issues.
8. Financial Reports:
8.1 To receive update on bank accounts
70.Clerk was hopeful that access would have been achieved by this meeting, unfortunately this was not the case. Clerk is going round in circles, but hopefully by the next meeting this would be in place.
8.2 To review and approve payments
71. Unable to make payments until bank access.
9. To Receive any Urgent Reports.
72. Cllr Reeves, raised the concerns of the number of cars parked as you enter the village on the left hand side as you come from the A15. There seems to be a number there, and reducing to single lane, which could be a potential hazard. But on the upside it does reduce the speed of vehicles in the village. There is not a lot the Parish can do,as there are no road markings and the cars are parked all on the one side. Also would like to consider the development of a sensory garden at the village hall. Advisedto create a proposal and liaise with the village hall.
Meeting Close at 19.54 and opened the floor to the public.
J Kenwood raised the issue of the timely matter of publications and information from the Parish Council. Clerk working to resolve her issues and will ensure updates accordly. She will look into training once the LALC invoice is paid. As aware there are holes in her knowledge. This will get better with time and experience. AGAR and internal audits are on going, but aware deadlines to be met. Website not up to date, Clerk is aware but currently struggling with access and lack of knowledge is hindering updates.
The Ash tree could affect their property, 4 years ago a bow dropped and damaged the fencing, which they repaired. A letter at the time was circulated and signed by the residents that could be affected by the tree and given to the land owners. Which resulted in, it's not our tree. So no further action was achieved. If the Parish could help, it would be appreciated. Could a letter be drafted? Clerk to look into.
G Reynolds in regards to email that has not been responded to. Apologies from the Clerk, she did not receive. Could it be re-sent and the Clerk will respond. That the footpath KkUn/4/1 maintenance is important, as this means that the footpath is unable to be walked regularly, as a result losing access to the countryside.