Minutes July 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Kirkby Underwood Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Monday 11th July2022.


Present:Cllr Ashwood, Cllr L Green, Cllr A Walker, Cllr D Dodds, Cllr N Robins, Cllr M Hill and Parish Clerk L Davies. Also a member of the public, who wishes to remain anonymous.



Public Forum

  1. Chairman’s opening remarks

26. A warm welcome to those who have attended the meeting, to confirm that the meetings for 2023 have been increased to 6 meetings, as agreed in the last meeting. Meeting dates are as follows, 12th September, 14th November.

  1. Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.

27. Raised from the general public regarding the dyke along Rippingale Road, he has cleared some of the dyke, Cllr Dodd claims ownership is with Dennis Green, will make contact. Also there are a few footpaths that are overhanging  hedges and are causing issues to walk safely around the village Cllr agreed to have a walk round to speak to residents where the hedges are over hanging. Cllrs agreed to work together and ensure help is offered. Wood corner, there is a Laurel that has fallen and a branch is over hanging on the road. Advised to report to SKDC. As per last meeting, the potholes don't seem to be getting repaired or only doing part of the repairs. Advised to report again on Fix my street, Cllr M Hill will take a look and take up with the highways dept.




1. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. .

28.Apologies from Cllr A Reeves, due to a personal matter she was unable to attend and apologies where sent. 

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests.

29. Cllr L Green will not be able to comment on item 6.3, due to owning the land in question.

3. To approve Minutes of last Council Meeting (27th June 2022) (All)

30. Cllr Robins raises the following issues, there were spelling errors on the words, Quorum. 1.10 to place a report not available. Once these errors are corrected, happy to approve.

4. Receive External Group updates 

4.1 County & District Council Reports - as available

31. Cllr Robins, informed that the solar farm at Temple Oaks is open for discussion and the relevant information has been submitted. Grantham Accident and Emergency has been downgraded from a 24/7 access to an access only hospital. The SKDC census shows an increase in population by 7 percent and 29 percent being over 65 years of age.


Cllr Hill.  As people are aware the cost of living is affecting all, with the current budget going up 2 percent and the staffing cost rising by 4 percent, the issues are going to affect long term, much of what Cllr raised are current points. 

5. To consider confirmation of allocation of members to designated roles and responsibilities – All: 

 32. The points were discussed as follows, to remain open as the newly formed committee finds strengths to support the community.

a. Police Forum Representative

To understand the policing matters would be good to get involved seeing and reporting the issues as they arise. The parish is a small community and needs to communicate with all. The clerk is signed up with Lincs Alert, which can be shared with residences as required.

 b. Emergency Plan Representative

As per previous discussions, this has been taken out of the Parish hands and with the first responders taking a lead.

c. Finance Supervisor  

Cllr Ashwood will support the clerk and oversee transactions, bank accounts etc.

d. Kirkby Underwood  Neighborhood Plan Representatives

The plan does not stop development, but the plan would encourage what the village does require/want. Cllrs discussed due to the size of the village and lack of amenities, was it worth creating a plan. Cllr Robinss will speak with the development team to what scope and effects having a plan in place would have. 

e. Defibrillator Representatives

The cost to purchase versus the hire, needs to be looked into for the future. Clerk to look into this. Pads are due to be changed 2023.

f Village Maintenance Coordinator g. Village Hall Management Committee Liaison

Cllr Ashwood and Cllr Green are both on the Village hall committee and have active roles, so being liaise for the council fits well. The funding raising goes on all year with Open gardens and summer fete as the main events of the year. 

k. Accessibility and disablement assistance

On going


6.Parish Matters:

6.1 To consider the location of Benches. One has been cited and the remaining 2 are to be discussed.

33.The remaining benches need to be sited, land owners of current proposed locations have previously agreed, but now have raised concerns over hedge/grass cutting. Leaving the benches free to be moved for this purpose raised concerns over theft or vandalism. It was raised that benches were funded to tackle rural loneliness, would it be a possibility that the benches are sited in the rear of the village hall, where they can be used at events and a safe place to sit and not be on a road.  Cllr Green and Cllr Ashwood to discuss with the Village Hall committee.   

6.2 To review and consider the Council Policies & Procedures (All)

34.  The clerk has revised the following council policies and procedures, which have been circulated prior to the meeting, Councillor code of conduct, Safeguarding and lone working were all approved and to be published and reviewed on an annual basis going forward. 

a.  Code of conduct

b.  Standing Orders

c. Financial Regulations

d.  FOI & Data Publication

e.  Communications

f.  Disciplinary & Grievance

g.  Equal Opportunities

h.  Health & Safety

i.  Emergency Plan

j.   Complaints

k.  Environmental

l.  Fly Posting

m. Staff Handbook

n.  Lone Worker

o. Risk Management

p.  Grants

q. Safeguarding


6.3. To consider maintenance of footpath KkUn/4/1.

35. The footpath has been discussed previously, the footpath is a dead end, but understood that it has been raised with LCC and there has been no further maintenance. Clerk to email Cllr M Hill.

6.4. To consider defibrillator review required for 2023.

36. As previously discussed,the defibrillator will need to be reviewed ahead of the review in 2023. Clerk to look into the option of hire versus to buy. 

6.5. To consider and review Parish Council Asset management

37. The asset register needs to be reviewed, clerk to undertake this. Items to be added to the asset register, are the rural loneliness benches, the benches have a approx 10 year life span, it was agreed that the benches would have a 10 year life expectancy. It was also discussed that the In Case of Emergency signs are given a 5 year expectancies. Agreed that the clerk will update and present for the next meeting.

6.6  To review clerks contract

38. All cllrs were happy with the clerks contract, the contracted hours are for 2 hours per week, the salary will be in accordance with the NJC LC2 Salary Spinal point 18 in line experiences and qualifications. Telephone rental/internet/broadband of £15.00 per calendar month. With an annual sum of £100 towards heating/lighting and electricity to be paid quarterly. Annousimlsy accepted and chair to sign.

6.7  To consider and review the Merrison fund.

39. As the Merrison fund was created to help support those struggling with attending medical appointments. The council would look at ways of making the process of using this fund as easy as possible. Would it be possible to create a set cost to the most common hospitals and GP Surgeries, so instead of working on mileage, work on a set amount to Grantham, Peterborough, Stamford and Spalding. As the fund can only be used for KUW residents and towards medical travel costs.  

7. Financial Matters:

7.1. To review internal audit 2021/2022..

40. Awaiting access to bank account to send information to Diane Fairweather, who has agreed to audit the previous financial year.

7.2. To review AGAR 2021/2022

41.This has been signed to the best of Clerks and Chairs knowledge is correct. Submitted and awaiting return on AGAR, as emailed as per the dead line.

7.3  To review signatories on KUW Parish Bank accounts

42. Cllr are happy to remain on online banking, once the Clerk has access. The Clerk has raised that more than one person should be able to gain access to the bank, to prevent this issue arising again. The access can be restricted so that the accounts can be reviewed but no payments or actions carried out with authorisation. 

9. Financial Reports:

9. Awaiting bank account. 

43. As per the above. 

10. To Receive any Urgent Reports.


Next meeting: General meeting 12th September 2022 in the Village Hall.