Miuntes 6th June 2022



Kirkby Underwood Extraordinary meeting 6th June May 2022

Present Cllr L Green, Cllr N Robin, Cllr M Hill,Cllr J Ashworth, D Dodds, M Walker and acting Clerk L Davies

Public Forum
Chairman’s opening remarks. 
1.Acting chair welcomed those who have attended and apologies for the delay in starting.
Comments, questions and Queries from Press and Public.
2. None raised

Commences on conclusion of the public Forum. Press & Public welcome to observe. 
1.Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. 
3.None given.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011, being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members register of interests. .
3. To consider and resolve co opting M Walker, A Reeves and D Dodds as Councillors.
5. Raised by Cllr Ashwood and seconded by Cllr Robins. Office was accepted by M Walker and D Dodds, as both present. Apologies from A Reeves as not present.
4. To consider and resolve Councillor resignations
6. Unanimously accepted the resignations of Cllr J Kenwood, Cllr B Pottle and Cllr H Collinge. Letters to be sent and to thank them for the service they have provided to KUW Parish council. 
5. To consider and resolve Clerks resignations.
7. Unanimously accepted the resignation of M Kenwood. Letter to be sent and to thank him  for the service he has provided to KUW Parish council. As The work over the years has brought the council into the modern age. 
6. To consider and appoint New Clerk.
8. Position of clerk offered and accepted by L Davies 
7. Date of next meeting. 
9. Date of next Annual meeting was raised as the 27th June, Cllr Dodds is unable to attend, but remaining councillors are able to attend
10. Order from agenda was changed to increase corrum and open discussion. 

Laura Davies, Parish Clerk                        Louise Green, Act Chair