Minutes 12th February 2019
Present: Clllr Mrs J Kenwood Chair; Cllr Mrs J Ashwood Vice Chair; Cllr B Pottle; Cllr Mrs L Green; Cllr H Collinge.
In attendance: Mr M Kenwood Parish Clerk; Mr S Tarrant
Absent: None
Open Forum: No members of the public were present.
Meeting commenced at 7.00 p.m.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. None
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests; None
3. TO APPROVE AS A CORRECT RECORD THE NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 6th November 2018. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved; That the official minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 6th November 2018 be approved as a correct record and the Chair authorised to sign the minutes.
4. WASTE/DOG FOULING BINS AND SIGNAGE. The clerk reported that the waste bin had been delivered. Weather permitting it will be installed on Friday 15th February. Two warning signs will be acquired, one close to the bin outside the Village Hall. Cllr Green Kindly agreed for the second to be displayed on the entrance wall to Nelson M Green and Sons Rippingale Road.
5. ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE. Mr Tarrant reported that the Woodland Trust provided a scheme for free plants to Schools and Communities. The clerk would circulate details to consider viability and possible locations for Autumn/Winter planting. The area on the green was discussed, Councillors agreed to plant replacement Spring bulbs as many are now blind. Cllr Green Kindly agreed to donate a young Oak tree, which Mr Tarrant agreed to plant with consideration of future growth. The Clerk would inform SKDC not to cut The Green. Cllr Pottle and the Clerk would explore ownership and viability of an existing orchard beyond the village in Aslackby Road.With a view to possible community use. The authority proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the actions discussed would be pursued and reported at the next meeting.
6. TELEPHONE KIOSK PROJECT. The Clerk reported that the internal light unit has now been replaced by Mr Ray Flatters. Cllr Green stated that this was not a straight forward job and took a time to be resolved. The authority expressed their gratitude to Mr Flatters. Given the possible damp issues and disposal of books at the Village Hall, the library option was thought not viable. The use of an information centre was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That a letter of thanks would be sent by the Chair to Mr Flatters and the kiosk would be used as an Information centre.
7. RESILIENCE PLANNING. Cllr Ashwood reported that the Lincolnshire technical messaging system had been successfully tested. The village details are incorporated and effectively no further action was required.
8. COMMUNITY PROJECTS. The Chair reported that she would be willing to arrange a community day for residents possibly in September. A theme possibly incorporating Health issues would be explored for discussion. The Chair also discussed a Summer Fair entry from the Parish Council for a fancy dress competition for children and another for adults. To be discussed at the next meeting.
10. HIGHWAYS. None
12.1 Village Hall Senior Lunch The letter of appreciation for the Bede Charity Donation to the Village Hall Committee was noted.
12.2 It was noted that resident had initiated a private online network for village residents under the next-door.co.uk banner. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the Authority would not participate due to General Data Protection Issues.
12.3 Lincolnshire Association of Local Training Scheme. The clerk reported that the annual fee of £65 was now subject to VAT increasing the cost to £78. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the authority would continue to subscribe with a review in November 2019 when the Precept was set.
13. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2019. The Clerk reported that Parish Council Elections will be taking place on Thursday 2nd May 2019. He is attending a briefing on the procedure on Monday 4th March 2019. The question of increasing the number of councillors was raised and the clerk agreed to establish the viability.
14. FINANCIAL MATTERS to receive the Parish Clerk’s financial report and to authorise the signing of orders for payment.
The clerk reported that Rippingale Parish Council wished to return £597.70 previously transferred by the Authority and held in their Hospital Car Scheme Account to the Merrision Account. The question of the monies untouched since the donation were discussed. The authority asked the clerk to contact the Solicitor acting for the Merrision estate to establish the Authorities legal position with regard to the donated monies. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the Clerk would seek legal guidance and report at the next meeting.
14.1) Bank Reconciliation for February 2019 prepared by the Clerk were received, considered. and Resolved: Bank Reconciliations accepted as accurate.
14.2) 2018/19 Precept and Budget Review was received, considered and Resolved: That the Budget Paper was reviewed and accepted.
14.3) Authorise signing of orders for payment. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That orders for payment be authorised totalling £730.18
14.4) Appointment of Internal Auditor 2018/19. It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That Mrs Belinda Moore is appointed.
15.DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 14th May 2019
Meeting closed at 20.12hrs
Signed J Ashwood 14th May 2019